A safe, happy and loving environment.
Understanding that your child is unique and thusly giving them an appropriate curriculum and suitable encouragement.
Creating opportunities for feelings of success and inspiring a desire to learn about new things.
Providing education through play and fun activities.
Helping your child to gain a variety of experiences, develop self-esteem and learn to respect others.
園長 三好理佳:幼稚園教諭免許、保育士資格保持。発達支援員資格所持及びペアレントトレーニング指導者。
目黒区、杉並区の私立幼稚園にて、クラス担任として勤務後、米国の幼児教育を学ぶため渡米。Humboldt State UniversityにてEarly Childhood Education(幼児教育)を学ぶ。ハンボルト州立大学付属Children's Center Preschoolにて教育実習を重ね、McKinleyvill Union School Kindergarten にて実地経験を積む。帰国後、大手英会話教室にて児童英語講師、並びに中学生向け学習塾の英語講師として勤務。
1999年にインターナショナルスクールへ通う日本人の子供たちの補習校としてNWISを立ち上げ、同時にサマースクール等を開催。アメリカ留学時の幼稚園実習において日本と北米の幼児教育の違いを経験し、優れた北米のプログラムを日本在住の子供たちにも経験して欲しいとの思いから2003年、東京・仙川にNWIS Preschool を開校。幼児教育に四半世紀を捧げてきた。
Rika has had a successful career in the Early Childhood Education field and is a Certified Kindergarten, and nursery Teacher. She studied abroad at Humboldt State University in America with a focus on Early Childhood Education through field study at the university's preschool.
While in America, she also volunteered at Mc Kinleyvill Union School Kindergarten. She has worked as a teacher at Japanese Kindergartens in Meguro and Suginami. She has worked in the early childhood education field for more than 25 years. She is always learning about different teaching methods, theories, and if it is effective, eagerly applying them to our school program.
"As a founder of the school and a principal, I believe early child education is one of the most important educations in a child's life. Each child has so many possibilities and potentials. It is my hope that I can help open their minds to discover a world filled with love. I have always believed that it is through love and acceptance that a child will grow to reach their full potential and that is the type of environment we strive to create here at NWIS."